Mail at Camp
Email your Camper
Campers can receive two (2) emails per camp session. Make the most of your emails – write it exactly like a letter full of family news! Emails will be printed at 9am daily and delivered during the lunch hour. Please include the Campers Name, Cabin & Counsellor Name in the subject line. Emails can be sent to: Please note that we are not able to process camper replies to email.
Sending Physical Mail
Feel free to send your camper a couple of pieces of mail at camp! If you are sending letters through the mail, be aware of shipping times and ensure letters arrive prior to picking your child up.
A more time conscious option is to bring pre-written letters in envelopes with your camper at the beginning of the week and hand them to your camper’s counsellor at drop-off. Their counsellor will distribute them to your camper throughout the week.
Our address is:
Pearce Williams
8009 Iona Road
Fingal ON, N0L 1K0
Campers Sending You Mail
If your camper would like to send letters to you or anyone else in your family, you can send self-addressed and stamped envelopes with your camper! If you let your camper’s counsellor know you have sent one or more self-addressed envelopes, they will ensure that your camper sends some mail out. Your camper’s counsellor will collect the mail that campers may have and they will be placed in the mail daily.
If your camper writes any letters to send out and did not bring pre-stamped envelopes, these letters will be handed to you at the deregistration table prior to taking them home.